Grupo IntellCorp
Intelligence You Can Trust

Comandante [Commander]
Fernando Cavaleiro Ângelo

Commander Fernando Angelo joined the Portuguese Naval Academy in 1989 and served onboard several ships with different roles, such as commanding officer, executive officer, and communications and electronic warfare officer. Regarding onshore occupation, Commander Fernando Angelo served as Head of Operational Systems Branch, at School of Navy Communications; Head of Strategic Intelligence Branch at the Intelligence Division from the Navy Staff; African Analyst at the Military Intelligence Division (DIMIL); Africa Branch Chief in the Analysis Division, at the NATO Intelligence Fusion Centre (NIFC); Director at the Navy Intelligence Analysis Centre; Chief of Intelligence Division from the Navy Fleet; and Policy and Plans Section Head and SIGINT Section Head at Portuguese Military Intelligence and Security Centre (CISMIL).
Commander Fernando Angelo has been invited to conduct presentations on military intelligence issues at several occasions, such as the General Officer Promotion Course and Senior Officer Promotion Course (Portuguese Defence College), Naval Units’ Commanders and Executive Officers Course (Navy Tactical Instruction Centre), Senior Petty-Officer Promotion Course (School of Naval Technologies), Military Intelligence Course (Air Force) and Military Intelligence in the Intelligence and Security Post-Graduation Course (Nova University of Lisbon). He was invited to speak at the Institute for Social and Political Sciences, Technical University of Lisbon, on the theme "The Role of the Intelligence Fusion Centers in Combating Terrorism" and “The Intelligence Role in the Maritime Security in the Atlantic”. During his stay at NIFC, Commander Fernando Angelo was responsible for organizing and moderating three editions of the Africa Conference, which could count with more than hundred and fifty intelligence analysts from NATO and non-NATO nations, as well as with other international organizations (EUROPOL, INTERPOL, EU). During the Operation NATO Operation Unified Protector (OUP), Commander Fernando Angelo served as leader of “Libya Crisis Team” at NIFC, with a team of more than twenty intelligence specialists from all the INT disciplines. This was an intelligence multidisciplinary team with the mission to produce strategic intelligence to support the SACEUR during the planning and execution phases of this NATO operation.
From 2005 to 2018, Commander Fernando Angelo has attended various working groups within NATO, such as the Joint Intelligence Working Group (JIntWG), the Strategic Intelligence Estimate (NSIE), the Significant Technological Developments and Their Implications Military, the NATO Indication and Warning System (NIWS), and the NIFC Senior Policy Resources Committee. Outside the scope of NATO, Commander Fernando Angelo represented both the Portuguese Navy at the Vienna Convention Article 17 Symposium, organized in September 2008 by the Maritime Analysis and Operation Centre-Narcotics (MAOC-N), and the NATO Advanced Workshop on “Piracy and Maritime Terrorism: Logistics, Strategies, Scenarios”, in May 2008. At the NIFC, he was the head of delegation at the “Mediterranean Dialogue” meeting held in 2011 at NATO Headquarters, Brussels.
Commander Fernando Angelo attended several courses on intelligence, such as: International Strategic Intelligence Analyst (DIA); Structured Analysis Critical Thinking; OSINT; Analyst Notebook and iBase (i2-Analyst Notebook); East-Africa and North Africa; Islam and the Contemporary Operational Environment; Advanced Critical Thinking and Structured Analysis (US EUCOM RJITF); NATO Peace Support Operations (NATO School); Shari'a Law and Military Operations (International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences in Sicily, Italy); Cone of Plausibility Analysis (UK DIS); Psychological Operations Planning Course (Defence College), Intelligence in Democracy (National Defense Institute/Portuguese Republic Intelligence System); Human Network Analysis and Targeting (CoE-CIED, Madrid); HUMINT Course (Portuguese Army Intelligence and Security Centre); Information Security (INFOSEC) Course (CIS School); Senior Intelligence Course (DRM); and Military Intelligence Analysis Course (CISMIL). Commander Fernando Angelo was the project officer of the military intelligence analysis course inside the Portuguese Armed Forces, and during these three years he taught critical thinking and structured analysis tools to the Portuguese Intelligence Community.
On academic realm, Commander Fernando Angelo is Master in Intelligence and Security Studies by University of Salford, United Kingdom, and he is co-author with the chapter “The Role of Intelligence in Maritime Security” in the book “O Mar no Futuro de Portugal: Ciência e Visão Estratégica” and with the chapter “The Importance of the Intelligence in Portugal’s Maritime Security” in the book “New Challenges of the Atlantic. An Approach from Portugal”. Is the author of two books: “Os Flechas – A Tropa Secreta da PIDE/DGS na Guerra de Angola” and “Falcões do Biafra – O Envolvimento Secreto de Portugal na Guerra Civil da Nigéria”. Furthermore, Commander Fernando Angelo has been guest teacher, since 2014, in a Naval Academy, Law University of Lisbon and Technical University of Lisbon master program – Master in Information Security and the Law of the Cyberspace – teaching “Cybersecurity in the Maritime Security Awareness”. Commander Fernando Angelo held a Chatham House membership from 2009 and 2012.