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Can an Intelligence company be Socially Responsible?

Foto do escritor: IntellCorp GroupIntellCorp Group

The question itself must seem strange, for those who are not used to seeing socially responsible companies and even more when talking about unusual areas of activity such as Information and Security. But it is a pertinent question, especially in the current times when new risks are emerging for companies and individuals.

In a loose definition, the definition of “social responsibility” or CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) of a company is the obligation that the company has to give something to society for what it profits from it; to act within the company itself and with its employees or with actions that bring benefits to societies or the environment. In practice, promoting a balance between what is taken and what is given.

The biggest controversies arise from the fact that there are those who think that this is a function that does not fall within the competence of companies and that distracts them from their main objective, that of producing wealth and by direct means (creation of jobs and taxes) or indirect (contribution to the respective economies, making them grow); that any attempt to make a company socially responsible is to force a simulation and image engineering that in no way corresponds to reality, because under this cover, less proper and ethical acts are practiced.

On the other hand, there are principles of social responsibility that are unavoidable and that are part of a business ethics and self-regulation, internationally recognized as essential in an information society and of growing and new risks. International organizations with the United Nations, the European Union and many others have literature for consultation and CSR has been a well-known, discussed and developed subject for several decades. And without a doubt it makes perfect sense, whatever the business area. In this context, IntellCorp will permanently seek to behave in ways that fit its path in a logic of social responsibility towards the societies in which it operates and where it will conduct its business.

IntellCorp as a socially responsible company will have choices of various kinds to make, from philanthropy to risk management or others and decides to start by creating value. This means maintaining a readiness for society with regard to the training of human resources, promoting a sustainable business model and perfectly framed in society and promoting competitiveness and innovation in the areas in which it operates or with which it contacts.

In this sense, IntellCorp will be grateful for contacts and will be permanently available to participate in public or private clarification sessions in public and private institutions in all areas including Economy, Education, Health, Environment and others, where it feels it can contribute to a greater understanding of the importance of Intelligence and Security (in an integrated sense) in these areas. You will also be available to analyze and assist situations that arise in society and in which if your intervention can constitute an added value, in a pro bono way.

IntellCorp is deeply convinced that, if there are areas where social responsibility is the competence and duty of companies, it is Intelligence and Security.

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