The work that Portugal has been doing with regard to internationalization and attracting foreign investment has been one of the main characteristics of the present political strategy for growth and for the dynamization of our economy.
Supporting companies and entrepreneurs on their way to expansion, so often to markets that are unknown to themselves, promoting meetings, training, clarification sessions, missions, as well as support in applying for funds programmed by Governments, has been the main motto of all government agents that are in one way or another linked to this purpose of making Portugal more global.
The issues of CPLP, Lusofonia, as well as, of course, the Diaspora, have been increasingly debated, and promoted, in order to support and show how the economic growth of Portugal can and should be directly linked to an enlargement of consciences of entrepreneurs and companies, with the proper channeling of all the support available for the training of companies in the export of their services, products, brands and their human capital.
In the 21st century, in a world that is drawn between the tension of a more liberal globalization and some forces of radicalization, competitiveness, the attraction of investment for the economic growth of a country is, of course, offering good business conditions and of life, fiscal and political stability as well as security for all.
However, despite all this, one of the main factors that also contributes to the success of attracting national and foreign investment is the promotion of a Culture of Information for companies, entrepreneurs and even political agents.
We all know that information in the right hands can dictate, in the overwhelming majority of times, the success or failure of a particular mission. This can be the simple capture of a public or private opportunity abroad; it can also be a risk analysis of the main players in a particular business and / or political decision. The awareness of relevant information is decisive for all entrepreneurs who, on a daily basis, are often only oriented towards a certain territory or opportunity based on what they informally perceive among their peers, or on what in one way or another appears in national and international media. international standards.
The difference that IntellCorp is able to introduce here is the fact that we can provide all this analysis work and even operational capacity in whatever territory. It is in this sense that we have been developing activity with some players in the national and international market: mapping opportunities and risk analysis; verification of political and business spheres of influence of more or less politicized individuals or interest groups, as well as the ability to operationally intervene whenever necessary.
The work of an agency that promotes national economic growth only becomes complete and deepened when associated with this capacity for in-depth reading of the markets, the reality of each geography, each individual, companies and spheres of influence that a particular group has national or internationally speaking.
IntellCorp has on its staff information specialists with extensive experience in this field of action; the information surveys we provide have the real capacity to support conscious decisions, with more security from a strategic and tactical point of view for companies and entrepreneurs.
Political agents, with the support of IntellCorp, also have in their hands the power to read in depth the reality that surrounds them, preventing threats, shielding vulnerabilities that are often fundamental in the political arena both nationally and within the European Union, and even on a broader level, at the level of geopolitics in the general inclinations of major world policies.
To find out more, send us an email to intellcorp@protonmail.com . For more content follow our updates also on LinkedIn, and also on Facebook and Twitter.