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Intelligence in Combating Corruption and Fraud in Companies

It is not just a motto of work, it is a mission that our team of professionals carries out from the beginning. Internally it is an absolute belief that it is not a merely abstract question and the order of a certain academism and political exercise.

The problem of corruption is global and does not only affect economies from a general point of view; on the contrary, it affects individuals, families, companies and therefore interest groups and, of course, at the limit of governments, states and a whole international stability that is more and more desirable. Every day, our Information professionals support company administrators, sales and security officers of many companies that internally deal with problems that harm them, thus removing their competitiveness.

The prevention of the problem of crime within companies and in the lives of Portuguese-speaking entrepreneurs is one of IntellCorp's main missions; both in the national territory, but unfortunately at the international level, our Information professionals are committed to defending the interests of our customers.

Such problems are often silent and surreptitious; the entrepreneur who operates internationally often has great difficulty in perceiving clearly and objectively all the variables of a business - afterwards, if the business in question takes place in more emerging jurisdictions, and therefore, not so consolidated from the political point of view and judicial, it is desirable to offer more guarantees, confidence and security to the entrepreneur about a specific agent of interest (be it private, corporate or group).

An excellent Intelligence service applied to these cases acts as the foundation of any type of operation; conscious decision support, strategic and tactical support, with an in-depth awareness of potential threats, and / or vulnerabilities, is an increase in business value that at the moment of truth compensates for the risk of any and all losses.

This support of Intelligence, however, is not limited to working in geographically remote and complex areas from the point of view of access to credible and reliable information; the situational awareness on the part of an entrepreneur in an apparently more transparent and secure context is also often decisive for the success of a medium or large business.

Background check and vetting turn out to be instruments, authentic business compasses in the info-sphere in which we live; news that is nothing more than mere counter-information or misinformation is often fanned by the media, producing a noise effect that makes it difficult for a non-professional to uncover the truth about certain individuals, companies or interest groups.

Problems can also often be in the immediate vicinity of the entrepreneur; whether through a corporate relationship, or a mere employment relationship with any employee with special powers, or access to certain privileged information, the greatest vulnerability may well be hidden exactly inside a company.

The work in the management of Information Security is a decisive factor of security for the entrepreneur and for the company both in a crisis situation, but also, of course, in a situation of internal consolidation, and / or expansion to new destinations and new opportunities.

IntellCorp has all the resources internally to investigate all kinds of situations that may affect the competitiveness of a company; our specialized human resources are trained not only to intervene in crisis situations, but also in prevention with a serious and structured consultancy work in the area of ​​the purest Intelligence in the active fight against crime as well.

The defense of the interests of our customers goes hand in hand with strict compliance with all legal aspects that must protect all parties, IntellCorp, our customers and any parties targeted in the event of even targeted situations. Our internal motto is also this facet of broadening consciences to raise awareness about the advantage of Information in a very plural world of interests and noise, insecure and dangerous. This responsibility to open the debate, to be pioneers in the differentiated voice in CPLP and Lusofonia, of the Information sector that we have been bringing to the public, is part of this program of wanting to return security, confidence and increased competitiveness for our entrepreneurs to be able to do more and better in a world as complex as today.

To find out more, send us an email to . For more content follow our updates also on LinkedIn, and also on Facebook and Twitter.

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